Cover Image for Figueroa Affordable Housing

Cover Image for Figueroa Affordable Housing

Figueroa Affordable Housing

with LehrerArchitectsLA

An innovative Architect-Developer-Lender collaboration creates a whole new approach for developing permanent supportive housing

Two combined standard 4,800 sq. ft. Los Angeles lots serve as the starting point for the first Permanent Supportive Housing project of the RE:THINK Housing initiative.

A safe, healthy and stable environment for unhoused and chronically homeless individuals in a mid-density residential neighborhood in South Los Angeles. 39 studio apartments and a 2-bedroom managers unit are combined with wrap-around community and support services and spaces.

Partially funded by Proposition HHH Supportive Housing Loan program, this 100% affordable project leverages the by-right allowable development using available Affordable Housing and Transit Oriented Community programs bonuses for additional density and reduced parking.

Small site selection, standard construction, efficient design, and a coordinated team approach result in a shorter development time and a more affordable construction cost of less than $200K per unit.

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